Matlab Script (.m File)
This section illustrates how to submit a small, serial, MATLAB program as a job to a batch queue. This MATLAB program prints the name of the run host and gets three random numbers.
Prepare a MATLAB script myscript.m, and a MATLAB function file myfunction.m:
% FILENAME: myscript.m
% Display name of compute node which ran this job.
[c name] = system('hostname');
fprintf('\n\nhostname:%s\n', name);
% Display three random numbers.
A = rand(1,3);
fprintf('%f %f %f\n', A);
% FILENAME: myfunction.m
function result = myfunction ()
% Return name of compute node which ran this job.
[c name] = system('hostname');
result = sprintf('hostname:%s', name);
% Return three random numbers.
A = rand(1,3);
r = sprintf('%f %f %f', A);
Also, prepare a job submission file, here named myjob.sub. Run with the name of the script:
# FILENAME: myjob.sub
echo "myjob.sub"
# Load module, and set up environment for Matlab to run
module load matlab
# -nodisplay: run MATLAB in text mode; X11 server not needed
# -singleCompThread: turn off implicit parallelism
# -r: read MATLAB program; use MATLAB JIT Accelerator
# Run Matlab, with the above options and specifying our .m file
matlab -nodisplay -singleCompThread -r myscript
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2011b ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
August 13, 2011
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0.814724 0.905792 0.126987
Output shows that a processor core on one compute node (resource-a001) processed the job. Output also displays the three random numbers.
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