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Purchase Process

Halstead Cluster

Easy Purchase

Purdue IT partners with select vendors to offer centrally-maintained Community Clusters and research storage options. The resources provided by the Rosen Center for Advance Computing offer peace of mind, lower overhead, and are more cost-effective than operating resources yourself.

Purchasing any Purdue IT Research service is easy! Simply find the option you are interested in below, log in with your career account, and enter your Purdue spending account information in the online form.

You may view your orders at any time. Once your business office has approved the accounts provided, we will contact you with any follow-up questions and direct you to our self-serve account management portal where you can grant access to any researchers or students you wish to authorize.

Community Clusters

Purdue IT is currently offering purchase of access to nodes in several clusters serving distinct communities. Read the description of each to see which community may best suit your needs.

  • Negishi is a Community Cluster optimized for communities running traditional, tightly-coupled science and engineering applications. Negishi is being built through a partnership with Dell and AMD over the summer of 2022. Negishi consists of Dell compute nodes with two 64-core AMD Epyc "Milan" processors (128 cores per node) and 256 GB of memory. All nodes have 100 Gbps HDR Infiniband interconnect and a 6-year warranty.

  • Gilbreth is a new type of addition to Purdue's Community Clusters, designed specifically for applications which are able to take advantage of GPU accelerators. While applications must be specially-crafted to use GPUs, a GPU-enabled application can often run many times faster than the same application could on general-purpose CPUs. Due to the increased cost of GPU-equipped nodes, Gilbreth is being offered with some new purchase options to allow for shared access at a lower price point than the full cost of a node.

  • Gautschi is a Community Cluster optimized for communities running traditional, tightly-coupled science and engineering applications. Gautschi is being built through a partnership with Dell and AMD in the fall of 2024. Gautschi consists of Dell PowerEdge compute nodes with two 96-core AMD Epyc "Genoa" processors (192 cores per node) and either 384 GB or 1.5 TB of memory. All nodes have 200 Gbps NDR Infiniband interconnects and a 6-year warranty. Gautschi also includes a small portion of nodes featuring two NVIDIA L40 GPUs each.

Research Storage

Purdue IT offers enterprise-grade storage at a competitive price to help researchers with their unique storage needs.

  • The Data Depot is a high-capacity, fast, reliable and secure data storage service designed, configured and operated for the needs of Purdue researchers in any field and shareable with both on-campus and off-campus collaborators.

  • A REED Folder is a managed storage solution built on top of the cloud platform, for research projects requiring compliance with regulations or heightened security.

  • A Box Research Lab Folder is a managed storage solution built on top of the cloud platform, for research labs to share and collaborate within the lab and with outside collaborators.

Cloud Computing

  • Geddes is a Community Composable Platform optimized for composable, cloud-like workflows that are complementary to the batch applications run on Community Clusters. Funded by the National Science Foundation under grant OAC-2018926, Geddes consists of Dell compute nodes with two 64-core AMD Epyc "Rome" processors (128 cores per node)