Usage Reporting
Job usage reporting on RCAC resources is now provided by an open source tool called XDMoD. It can be accessed from the following URL (Purdue network or VPN is required):
The new XDMoD is under rebuilding now, and is expected to completed in the end of January, 2025. This new XDMoD system is about ready to change with new features as below:
- Faster, more responsive
- Interactive graphing/plotting
- Detailed job metrics (CPU, memory, I/O operations, etc) over the life of your job
- Automatic reporting to your email
If you are a group manager or PI, please contact support to be designated a manager of your group in XDMoD so that you may view usage by your group (after the XDMoD rebuilding). At the moment, group managers do not transfer from the User Management tool.