Link to section 'Description' of 'perl-bioperl' Description
BioPerl is the product of a community effort to produce Perl code which is useful in biology. Examples include Sequence objects, Alignment objects and database searching objects. These objects not only do what they are advertised to do in the documentation, but they also interact - Alignment objects are made from the Sequence objects, Sequence objects have access to Annotation and SeqFeature objects and databases, Blast objects can be converted to Alignment objects, and so on. This means that the objects provide a coordinated and extensible framework to do computational biology.
Link to section 'Versions' of 'perl-bioperl' Versions
- Anvil: 1.7.2, 1.7.6
- Bell: 1.7.2
- Negishi: 1.7.2
- Scholar: 1.7.2-pl526
- Gautschi: 1.7.2-pl526
Link to section 'Commands' of 'perl-bioperl' Commands
- bp_aacomp
- bp_bioflat_index
- bp_biogetseq
- bp_chaos_plot
- bp_dbsplit
- bp_extract_feature_seq
- bp_fastam9_to_table
- bp_fetch
- bp_filter_search
- bp_find-blast-matches
- bp_gccalc
- bp_genbank2gff3
- bp_index
- bp_local_taxonomydb_query
- bp_make_mrna_protein
- bp_mask_by_search
- bp_mrtrans
- bp_mutate
- bp_nexus2nh
- bp_nrdb
- bp_oligo_count
- bp_process_gadfly
- bp_process_sgd
- bp_revtrans-motif
- bp_search2alnblocks
- bp_search2gff
- bp_search2table
- bp_search2tribe
- bp_seqconvert
- bp_seqcut
- bp_seq_length
- bp_seqpart
- bp_seqret
- bp_seqretsplit
- bp_split_seq
- bp_sreformat
- bp_taxid4species
- bp_taxonomy2tree
- bp_translate_seq
- bp_tree2pag
- bp_unflatten_seq
Link to section 'Module' of 'perl-bioperl' Module
You can load the modules by:
module load perl-bioperl