Article #7050: Gilbreth Maintenance Application Version Changes
As part of Gilbreth's upcoming maintenance, we will be upgrading the operating system from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 9 which requires us to rebuild the...
As part of Gilbreth's upcoming maintenance, we will be upgrading the operating system from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 9 which requires us to rebuild the...
The Gautschi cluster will be unavailable on Tuesday, Febuary 11th between 8:00am-5:00pm EDT for the early user period's scheduled Tuesday maintenance....
The Gautschi cluster will be unavailable on Tuesday, Febuary 4th between 8:00am-5:00pm EDT for the early user period's scheduled Tuesday maintenance....
Overview NIH has issued an implementation update for data management and access practices under the Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy (see Guide Notic...
New events are coming soon.
There are no announcements at this time.
Research Computing personnel will observe the university winter break from 12:00am EST on Monday, December 23rd, 2024, and will resume normal business...
Research Computing personnel, including a significant number of the support staff, will be attending the SC24 conference on the week of November 18th....
Our in-person consulting hours (a.k.a. "coffee hour") location will be changing effectively immediately. RCAC staff have offered in-person c...
Note that the Purdue VPN has changed Beginning May 18, users will be able to access Purdue’s Virtual Private Network (VPN) by logging in with their Pu...
Research Computing personnel will observe the university winter break from 8:00am EST on Friday, December 22nd, 2023 , and will resume normal busines...
As the holiday season approaches, we want to inform you about potential delays in our ticket response times until the end of this year. Our support t...
The infrastructure that supports the Data Workbench service has reached the end of its life cycle and will be retired on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023...
As Purdue makes strides for Weber to meet CMMC compliance, part of that process is to ensure known hosts are connecting to Weber over the VPN. To that...
The Brown cluster has reached the end of its life cycle and will be decommissioned on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. Your access to Brown nodes will be...
A few announcements for the RCAC community regarding our regular Coffee-Hour Consultation services. Support staff will be unavailable both today (Mond...
Hello, PurdueIT is replacing our ticketing system, Footprints, with a new product called Team Dynamix (TDX). Email to will begin...
During Anvil scheduled maintenance on June 28, 2023, several changes were made on Anvil. Kernel updates. We have updated Kernel version to 4.18.0-42...
This month, RCAC will be hosting a training for the Anvil Community. ACCESS HPC Workshop: GPU Programming Using OpenACC 6/29/2023 11:00 AM EDT - 5:00...
Next week, RCAC will be hosting two trainings for the Anvil Community. ACCESS HPC Workshop: Shared Memory Programming Using OpenMP 4/24/2023 11:00 AM...