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Share the Impact of Anvil

Anvil resources were designed to meet the national research communities' needs for capacity, accessibility and effective support in today's rapidly evolving computational research landscape. We are excited to publicize news of these discoveries.

Please acknowledge the use of Anvil for papers, presentations or other publications. See How to Cite Anvil for complete details.

How to Share Your Research and Success Stories

ACCESS Researchers

ACCESS researchers are encouraged to use this form to add publications to their profile, which are then available when sunmitting allocation requests and visible to ACCESS resource providers for their reporting requirements.

Work Highlights

Please let us know what Anvil has helped you achieve – presentations, publication, new knowledge and more! Anvil staff will review the information you submit through this short survey and may highlight your work in reports, publications and other outreach vehicles that target your scientific colleagues, funding agency personnel and others.

Press Releases

Please contact the Rosen Center for Advanced Computing Communications team if you would like to coordinate press releases with your institution or department. Interested in what we have written about other researchers like you? Visit the Anvil Science Highlights page to read all about the research being done on Anvil.

Researcher Testimonials