XR Symposium
On April 17th from 1 PM to 5 PM, the Envision Center will host an XR Symposium consisting of speakers from across campus sharing the impact of their efforts leveraging virtual and augmented reality technologies at Purdue.
Seating is limited for this event, register here: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cJgDlDqAjCpSMrI
The list of presentations and speakers are as follows:
-1:00 p.m.—“XR Lab, Collaborative XR platform, and Purdue XR Consortium.” George Takahashi, Danny Milisavljevic
-1:25 pm—“Immersive Visualization in Large Lectures.” Voicu Popescu, Bedrich Benes, Alejandra Magana, John Springer
-1:50 p.m.—“XR Workshop, use of technologies in classrooms.” Victoria Lowell, Stuart White
-2:15 p.m.—“Immersive VR Anatomy Training for Biomedical Engineers.” Matthew Ward
-2:45 p.m.—“Augmented Reality Assessment Platform to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Technique-Based Training Simulations.” Kara Weatherman, Stylianos Chatzidakis, WanJu Huang
-3:10 p.m.—“Application of VR in Food Science Education.” Senay Simsek, Ben Paxson
-3:35 p.m.—“Integrating artificial intelligence with virtual reality to support soft skills development for STEM students.” Kris Acheson-Clair, Tawfiq Salem, Mesut Akdere
-4:05 p.m.—XR Panel discussion with speakers