Intel oneAPI Training 2023: Profiling & Debugging
This virtual workshop will cover the Intel VTune Profiler, Intel Advisor, and Intel Distribution for GDB as part of the oneAPI training series. Details on each topic are below.
Registration via Teams is required to attend.
Intel VTune Profiler: Intel® VTune™ Profiler optimizes application performance, system performance, and system configuration for HPC, cloud, IoT, media, storage, and more. • CPU, GPU, and FPGA: Tune the entire application’s performance―not just the accelerated portion. • Multilingual: Profile Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), C, C++, C#, Fortran*, OpenCL™, Python*, Google Go* programming language, Java*, Assembly, or any combination. • System or Application: Get coarse-grained system data for an extended period or detailed results mapped to source code. • Power: Optimize performance while avoiding power- and thermal-related throttling.
Intel Advisor: Is a design and analysis tool for achieving high application performance. This is done through efficient threading, vectorization, and memory use, and GPU offload on current and future Intel® hardware. The tool supports C, C++, Fortran, Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), OpenMP*, and Python*.
Intel Advisor Roofline: Roofline chart is a visual representation of application performance in relation to hardware limitations, including memory bandwidth and computational peaks. The Roofline provides insight into:
- Where your performance bottlenecks are
- How much performance is left on the table because of them.
- Which bottlenecks are possible to address, and which ones are worth addressing?
- Why these bottlenecks are most likely occurring.
- What your next steps should be
Intel Distribution for GDB: Quickly Debug Parallel and Multithreaded Code. To implement and deploy high-performance, data-centric applications across diverse architectures, you need a debugger that is capable of handling thousands of threads running simultaneously on each device in a system. The Intel® Distribution for GDB* application debugger is a companion tool to Intel® compilers and libraries. It delivers a unified debugging experience that allows you to efficiently and simultaneously debug cross-platform parallel and threaded applications developed in Data Parallel C++, C, C++, OpenMP*, SYCL*, or Fortran.