HUBbub about Online Research, Education, and Collaboration
Using the HUBzero Platform for Scientific Computing
Looking for Cyberinfrastructure?
The National Science Foundation and other funding agencies are starting to require cyberinfrastructure solutions as part of all proposals. Cyberinfrastructure can connect you with colleagues throughout the world and help you share ideas, tools, computational resources, and data storage. It can also be a powerful, 21st century solution for the outreach component of your grants.
What’s the HUBbub?
Purdue University has become a recognized leader in cyberinfrastructure through the development of the HUBzero™ platform, which powers and many other “hubs” for scientific collaboration. HUBzero™ delivers simulation tools, tutorials, podcasts, and other resources via the web in a manner so elegant, you have to see it to believe it.
Join Us
On November 7, we’ll present an overview of the HUBzero™ platform and highlight a few of our most successful hubs. If you’re curious about hubs, spend the morning with us and learn how this technology has been used in a wide variety of projects on campus. If you’re already working with a hub, spend the afternoon with us and learn more about tool development and hub administration.
November 7
To Register for the Morning Session
To Register for the Afternoon Session
Questions regarding registration should be sent to Kay Hunt at
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