Interplay: Dancing on the Banks of Packet Creek
Real time multi-faceted telematic event consisting of six simultaneous performances occurring in six states throughout North America. Performers including actors, dancers, and musicians will be located at six different sites. The performers will also interact with computer graphics and audio. Each site will be creating its own artistic performance – with the six performances all coming together via the Access Grid to create a single integrated performance. Audience members will be able to see and hear the activities taking place at all of the remote sites in addition to the action at their own local site.
Participants: Purdue University Envision Center for Data Perceptualization, Alaska Fairbanks Arctic Region Supercomputing Center, University of Utah Center for High Performance Computing, Boston University, University of Maryland, Ryerson University. Toronto, Canada
Sponsored by the Department of Visual and Performing Arts.
March 31-April 2, 2006
Friday and Saturday, 9:00pm
Sunday, 6:00pm
All seating free but must be reserved in advance: Contact Purdue Envision Center 496-7888.