Purdue WHPC Guest Presentation - December 4, 2019
Purdue Women in HPC (WHPC) is pleased to host a guest presentation by Dr. Jen Wisecaver entitled “The long tail of research computing. Why all life scientists should also be bioinformaticians” on Wednesday, December4, 2019 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in KRAN G004. In this presentation, Dr. Wisecaver will discuss her research as well as her passion for exposing students and trainees who may be intimidated by HPC/Research Computing to the fantastic computer resources at Purdue. During her talk, she will go over some of the challenges she’s faced dealing with massive biological datasets and a few of her solutions to optimize high-throughput analyses of genes and genomes.
ALL individuals with an interest in learning more about high performance computing (HPC) and supporting the advancement of diversity and inclusion in technology are encouraged to attend. Please share with others who you think might interested in attending!
About Dr. Jen Wisecaver:
Dr. Jen Wisecaver is an assistant professor in the Biochemistry Department and Center for Plant Biology at Purdue University. Prior to starting her lab at Purdue in 2017, she earned her doctorate at the University of Arizona in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and was a National Plant Genome Postdoctoral Fellow at Vanderbilt University. Her research involves studying the birth, evolution, and death of ecologically specialized metabolic pathways in plants and algae.
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