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Setting Up R Preferences with .Rprofile

For your convenience, a sample ~/.Rprofile example file is provided that can be downloaded to your cluster account and renamed into ~/.Rprofile (or appended to one). Follow these steps to download our recommended ~/.Rprofile example and copy it into place:

curl -#LO
mv -ib Rprofile_example ~/.Rprofile

The above installation step needs to be done only once on Negishi. Now load the R module and run R:

module load r/4.4.1
[1] "/home/myusername/R/negishi/4.1.2-gcc-6.3.0-ymdumss"
[2] "/apps/spack/negishi/apps/r/4.1.2-gcc-6.3.0-ymdumss/rlib/R/library"

.libPaths() should output something similar to above if it is set up correctly.

You are now ready to install R packages into the dedicated directory /home/myusername/R/negishi/4.1.2-gcc-6.3.0-ymdumss.


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