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Many-Task Computing using HyperShell

HyperShell is an elegant, cross-platform, high-throughput computing utility for processing shell commands over a distributed, asynchronous queue. It is a highly scalable workflow automation tool for many-task scenarios.

Several tools offer similar functionality but not all together in a single tool with the user ergonomics we provide. Novel design elements include but are not limited to (1) cross-platform, (2) client-server design, (3) staggered launch for large scales, (4) persistent hosting of the server, and optionally (5) a database in-the-loop for persisting task metadata and automated retries.

HyperShell is pure Python and is tested on Linux, macOS, and Windows 10 in Python 3.9 and 3.10 environments. The server and client don’t even need to use the same platform simultaneously.

Detailed usage can be found here:

Link to section 'Cluster' of 'Many-Task Computing using HyperShell' Cluster

Start the cluster either locally or with remote clients over ssh or a custom launcher. This mode should be the most common entry-point for general usage. It fully encompasses all of the different agents in the system in a concise workflow.

The input source for tasks is file-like, either a local path, or from stdin if no argument is given. The command-line tasks are pulled in and either directly published to a distributed queue (see --no-db) or committed to a database first before being scheduled later.

For large, long running workflows, it might be a good idea to configure a database and run an initial submit job to populate the database, and then run the cluster with --restart and no input FILE. If the cluster is interrupted for whatever reason it can gracefully restart where it left off.

A simple user case is that users just need to privde a taskfile containing commands/tasks. Each line is one command/task. Below is a batch jobscript that can used in ACCESS Anvil cluster:


#SBATCH -A AllocationName
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -c 64
#SBATCH -p shared
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=trim-galore
#SBATCH --error=%x-%J-%u.err
#SBATCH --output=%x-%J-%u.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

module load hyper-shell

hs cluster Taskfile.txt \
        -o trim_Taskfile.output \
        -f trim_Taskfile.failed \
        -N 16 ## Number of tasks to run simultaneously

Below are contents of Taskfile.txt that I want to run a bioinformatics application called Trim-galore:

trim_galore ---fastqc -j 4 -q 25 --paired seq1_1.fastq seq1_2.fastq -o trim_out && echo task1 success
trim_galore ---fastqc -j 4 -q 25 --paired seq2_1.fastq seq2_2.fastq -o trim_out && echo task2 success
trim_galore ---fastqc -j 4 -q 25 --paired seq3_1.fastq seq3_1.fastq -o trim_out && echo task3 success
trim_galore ---fastqc -j 4 -q 25 --paired seq4_1.fastq seq4_2.fastq -o trim_out && echo task4 success
trim_galore ---fastqc -j 4 -q 25 --paired seq5_1.fastq seq5_2.fastq -o trim_out && echo task5 success
trim-galore ---fastqc -j 4 -q 25 --paired seq6_1.fastq seq6_2.fastq -o trim_out && echo task6 success

In the slurm jobscript, we request 64 CPUs and 16 tasks (-N 3) to run simultaneously. Each trim_galore task will use 4 CPUs (-j 4). So that we can efficiently use all 64 CPUs. The task1-16 will run when the hypershell job starts. If any of the first 16 tasks completes, task17 will start, and so on until all tasks complete.

You may notice that in task6, there is a typo. The command should be trim_galore instead of trim-galore. So this taks will fail. Since we used -f trim_Taskfile.failed in the hypershell command, task6 will be saved to trim_Taskfile.failed. This can help you track which tasks are successful and which ones fail.


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