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Using constraint to request specific GPUs

Gilbreth has heterogeneous hardware comprising of Nvidia V100, A100, A10, and A30 GPUs in separate sub-clusters. You can run sfeatures to check the specifications of different Gilbreth nodes:

NODELIST              CPUS   MEMORY    AVAIL_FEATURES                      GRES
gilbreth-b[000-015]   24     190000    B,b,A30,a30                         gpu:3
gilbreth-c[000-002]   20     760000    C,c,V100,v100                       gpu:4
gilbreth-d[000-007]   16     190000    D,d,A30,a30                         gpu:3
gilbreth-e[000-015]   16     190000    E,e,V100,v100                       gpu:2
gilbreth-f[000-004]   40     190000    F,f,V100,v100                       gpu:2
gilbreth-g[000-011]   128    510000    G,g,A100,a100,A100-40GB,a100-40gb   gpu:2
gilbreth-h[000-015]   32     512000    H,h,A10,a10                         gpu:3
gilbreth-i[000-004]   32     512000    I,i,A100,a100,A100-80GB,a100-80gb   gpu:2
gilbreth-j[000-001]   128    1020000   J,j,A100,a100,A100-80GB,a100-80gb   gpu:4

To run your jobs in specific nodes, you can use -C, --constraint to specify the features. Below are a few examples:

#SBATCH --constraint 'E|F'   ## request E or F nodes
#SBATCH --constraint A100    ## request A100 GPU
#SBATCH -C  "v100|a100|a30"  ## request v100, a100 or a30

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