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HPC Monthly Workshop: Machine Learning and BIG DATA October 15-16, 2024

  • Events

RCAC is pleased to announce that we are a satellite location for the TWO DAY Machine Learning and Big Data workshop that will be presented by The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.

The event runs from 11:00AM to 5:30PM each day, 10/15 and 10/16

This workshop will focus on topics including big data analytics and machine learning with Spark, and deep learning using Tensorflow.

This will be an IN PERSON event hosted by various satellite sites, there WILL NOT be a direct to desktop option for this event.


Interested applicants must first have an ACCESS ID. If you do not have an ACCESS ID, please visit this page to create one:


Once you have an ACCESS ID, please send email (indicating your ACCESS ID and which site you wish to attend) to Tom Maiden at by Friday, October 11 at Noon Eastern time.

Classroom location and further details will be provided once your registration has been processed. Thank you for your patience.

Tentative Agenda

**Tuesday, October 15 **

Time Topic
11:00 Welcome
11:25 A Brief History of Big Data
12:20 Intro to Spark
1:00 Lunch break
2:00 More Spark and Exercises
3:00 Intro to Machine Learning
5:00 Adjourn
Wednesday, October 16
Time Topic
11:00 Machine Learning: Recommender System with Spark
1:00 Lunch break
2:00 Deep Learning with Tensorflow
5:00 Tying it All Together
5:30 Adjourn

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