Visualizing research data virtual summer school
Purdue will host a two-day training session Aug. 25-26 for Purdue and non-Purdue students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, staff and Indiana professionals looking to gain skills in visualizing research data.
The two-day event will take place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug 25 and 26 in the Envision Center, Stewart Center, Room B001, which is located off the tunnel between the Stewart Center and the Purdue Memorial Union. Space is limited so participants should register soon. There is no cost to register. The Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering, the National Science Foundation and ITaP are sponsoring the event.
Participants register with the National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), in which Purdue is a partner. A free XSEDE account can be created on the XSEDE user portal at
The session, part of the Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering Summer School, will include an introduction to visualization followed by demonstrations of a variety of methods and techniques and a range of freely available software. The demos will cover visualization of real-world data sets. Attendees will be taken through the process of visualizing the data and gaining insight from the visualizations.
Purdue is the only site in Indiana hosting the visualization training session, says Stephen Harrell, a senior high-performance computing system administrator who coordinates training for ITaP Research Computing (RCAC).
The workshop is delivered nationwide using high-definition video conferencing to allow participants to interact in real time with course instructors from the Texas Advanced Computing Center and to work in person with local colleagues and experts. At Purdue, staff from ITaP Research Computing (RCAC) and ITaP’s Envision Center will be on hand.
The Envision Center uses a blend of technology and art to help faculty enhance research and teaching by graphically representing data and information. It specializes in technology and techniques such as data visualization and analysis; virtual simulation; human-computer interaction; and media creation, including video, animations and publication-quality stills.
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