ACCESS HPC Workshop: Machine Learning and Big Data
Purdue Research Computing will host a free two-day workshop for faculty, staff, and students looking to learn more about using Spark and Tensorflow to leverage the power of high-performance computing resources, including Purdue’s community clusters and ACCESS Anvil. This workshop will focus on topics including big data analytics and machine learning with Spark, and deep learning using Tensorflow. The workshop will run on Monday, January 29th and Wednesday, January 31st.
The workshop will run from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Envision Center Conference room on both days. Space is limited to 15 participants so those wishing to attend should register soon. There is no cost to register. Attendees will need to bring a laptop.
The event is sponsored by Purdue IT and the Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) as well as the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. Additional workshop and registration details are available on the ACCESS event page.
The workshop is delivered nationwide using high-definition video conferencing to allow students to interact in real time with course instructors from the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and to work in person with local colleagues and experts. At Purdue, staff from the Research Computing team will be on hand.