Rosen Center for Advanced Computing staff to present at research computing conference
Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) staff will present posters and papers and lead workshops at the upcoming Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) conference held in Portland, Ore. from July 23-27, 2023.
The PEARC conference is held to provide a forum for discussing challenges, opportunities and solutions among the broad range of participants in the research computing community. This community-driven effort builds on successes of the past, and aims to grow and be more inclusive by involving additional local, regional, national, and international cyberinfrastructure and research computing partners spanning academia, government and industry.
Sarah Rodenbeck, lead research data scientist, will present her paper “TicketHub: Enabling Actionable Analysis of Support Requests with NLP” on July 25 at 10:30 a.m. PDT as part of the Systems Track – Performance Tuning.
Shawn Rice, lead computational scientist, will present his paper “Climate Change In A Composable Cloud Environment” on July 25 at 3 p.m. PDT as part of the Applications Track – Composable Cyberinfrastructure.
Luke Monroe, associate research solutions engineer, will present a poster titled “Exploration of a Mid-Career Cross-Industry Shift into HPC Engineering.”
Yucheng Zhang, senior life science scientist, will present a poster titled “Scientific applications and their documentation on Purdue clusters.” This poster will show other HPC centers how RCAC develops and manages user guides for scientific applications deployed on the RCAC clusters.
“By gathering suggestions from the audience, we can learn how other centers manage their user guides, and how to improve our user guides,” says Zhang. “This will eventually help our users conduct research on their clusters more efficiently and reduce the number of tickets from users.”
RCAC staff members will also lead the following workshops at PEARC23:
- Geoffrey Lentner, Lev Gorenstein, and Betsy Hillery will lead the Student Program tutorial (“Introduction to HPC”) with support from Arman Pazouki and Guangzhen Jin
- Erik Gough, Rajesh Kalyanam, Sathvika Kotha and Sarah Rodenbeck will lead a tutorial “GPU Workloads on the Anvil Composable Platform” on July 24 at 1:30 p.m. PDT with support from Nannan Shan
- Amiya Maji will lead a BoF “HPC System Testing: Code Selection for Acceptance/Regression Testing” on July 25 at 4:45 p.m. PDT.
Several RCAC staff members are also on the conference program committee. Gorenstein and Maji are program committee reviewers and Laura Theademan and Hillery are the Student Program chairs.