Luncheon talk to cover high-performance storage for research data
High-performance storage solutions that can meet and adapt to the demands posed by large research data sets with numerous users will be the focus of a luncheon at Purdue Wednesday, April 1, featuring James Reaney of BlueArc Corporation, a leading expert in the field.
The luncheon is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in 1142 Lawson Computer Science Building, corner of Third and University streets. The event is sponsored by BlueArc, which provides storage solutions at Purdue’s Rosen Center for Advanced Computing, the research and discovery arm of Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP). ITaP is co-sponsoring the luncheon.
Attendance is open to all Purdue faculty and staff. Although not required, registration is encouraged to ensure sufficient food for the luncheon. You may register at:
Researchers and system administrators with large-scale, high-performance storage needs in particular could benefit by attending and learning about BlueArc's technologies and how ITaP is using them.
Reaney is BlueArc’s executive director for strategic technologies and coordinates activities with research customers worldwide. Prior to joining BlueArc, he was network and server operations manager for life sciences at Harvard University. With more than 18 years of experience as an information technology director and computing, networking and storage analyst in various high-performance computing research environments, his experience provides him with a solid working knowledge of research customers' day-to-day operations and needs.
Reaney’s talk will contrast consumer and enterprise storage technology; discuss the
benefits of managed enterprise storage for research needs; and cover research data management, including a cradle-to-grave data lifecycle. He will present a case study on accelerating research application performance for a next-generation DNA sequencing pipeline, a project of the BlueArc Center of Excellence at Purdue in partnership with ITaP.
Gerry McCartney, Purdue vice president for information technology and chief information officer, will give opening remarks at the luncheon.
Writer: Greg Kline, science and technology writer, Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP), 765-494-8167,