CMS Tier 2 Workshop to be held at Purdue -- April 11, 2008
The Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) and Norbert Neumeister, who leads the CMS effort at Purdue University are hosting the United States Spring Workshop for all of the Tier 2 sites participating in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In this collaboration, there is a vast amount of data and computation that is shared among the participating sites. As a result of this needed exchange, we are active members of the Open Science Grid (OSG) to help nurture the growing infrastructure to provide the most resources available for research. The CMS Tier-2 center at Purdue is a facility to support the computational needs of physicists in the US and across the globe.
US Workshop
Friday, April 11, 2008
8:00am- 5:00pm
RAWL 1057
Purdue Campus -- See map
Need directions -- Look here
Representatives from the United States Tier-2 sites who are participating in the CMS experiment and other interested personnel.
There is no cost for the conference but you must register your intention to attend. Please register at by April 1, 2008. Breakfast bar, box lunches and break refreshments will be provided. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration.
Parking permits will be available for non-Purdue attendees. Parking is available in any of the parking garages. The parking permit will be put in the US mail on April 1, 2008. Please contact us if you do not receive your permit.
You will be responsible for your own transportation between the hotel and the meeting facilities.
A block of rooms has been reserved:
4320 St. Rd 26 E
Lafayette, In 47906
765-447-4142 -- Mention "CMS Tier 2 Conference" to get the conference rate -- No later than 3/10/08
84.99 plus tax per night
Please make your own individual reservations as soon as possible. The room block will be released to the public on March 10, 2008. This is a special events weekend at Purdue University and there is limited housing available, especially for Friday evening.
Please contact Kay Hunt: 765-496-8290,