Purdue WHPC Guest Presentation: Verónica Vergara - Putting Summit to the Test
Purdue Women in HPC (WHPC) is pleased to host a guest presentation on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in RAWL 1071.
This month guest speaker, Verónica Vergara from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), will share her experiences working with ORNL's Summit system, which currently holds the #1 position on the Top500 list of supercomputers in the world.
Putting Summit to the Test
Ever wonder what happens before the world’s fastest supercomputer is put in production? Summit, the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s newest supercomputer, has been in production since January 1, 2019 and is currently ranked number one in the latest edition of the Top500 list. This presentation will walk through the acceptance test process used to ensure that Summit was ready to support the OLCF’s user programs. It will also include a few examples of how Summit is already helping accelerate science.
About Verónica Vergara:
Originally from Quito, Ecuador, Verónica earned a B.A. in Mathematics/Physics at Reed College and a M.S. in Computational Science at Florida State University. Verónica has eight years of experience in the high performance computing (HPC) field, including several years at Purdue's research computing center, and is currently working as an HPC Engineer at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. In addition to providing assistance to OLCF users, Verónica is part of the systems testing team and led acceptance for Summit, ORNL’s next generation supercomputer. Her research interests include high performance computing, large-scale system testing, and performance evaluation and optimization of scientific applications. Verónica is a member of both IEEE and ACM and serves in the ACM SIGHPC Executive Committee.
Read more at https://sc19.supercomputing.org/2019/03/01/faces-of-the-summit-putting-the-system-to-the-test/.
ALL individuals with an interest in learning more about high performance computing (HPC) and supporting the advancement of women in technology are encouraged to attend. Please share with others who you think might interested in attending!
Register for the April 3, 2019 meeting at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/purdue-women-in-hpc-guest-presentation-veronica-vergara-putting-summit-to-the-test-tickets-59087483253.
Questions, comments or feedback? Email: whpc-info@purdue.edu
Follow us at @purduewhpc.