Purdue RCAC and WHPC Host Speaker on HPC+AI from NVIDIA
ITaP's RCAC and Purdue Women in HPC (WHPC) are pleased to host invited speaker Fernanda Foertter, Deep Learning Alliance Manager and GPU Developer Advocate for Healthcare HPC+AI at NVIDIA on Thursday, November 29, 2018 from 10:00 to 11:00 AM in LWSN 1142.
What’s Gaming have to do with Healthcare?
From gaming card to AI and to scientific computing, NVIDIA has a varied customer base. But what does a gaming card have to do with healthcare? Turns out, for the last 10 years, they’ve been used in all sorts of imaging diagnostic tools. This talk will highlight NVIDIA’s efforts to contribute to growing needs within healthcare as well as a bit of the speaker's curvy road to this point in her career.
About Fernanda Foertter:
Fernanda Foertter joined NVIDIA in February 2018 as a GPU Developer Advocate for HPC+AI for Healthcare focusing on genomics. With an interest in scaling both data and compute on very large scale supercomputers, she has a cross-disciplinary background in Physics, Computational Materials Science, and Data Science and Engineering with an added "sprinkle of agricultural genomics, a smidgeon of bioinformatics and an extra helping of GPUs."
Fernanda worked as an HPC Data Scientist and previously in the HPC User Assistance Group as an HPC Programmer and Training Coordinator at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), a DOE Office of Science User Facility located at ORNL for 6 years. There she focused on scalable algorithms for data analysis and deep learning on high performance systems like Summit and she participated in the CORAL project that selected Summit as the next supercomputer to replace Titan. Prior to that she served as HPC Manager and Scientific Programmer at Genus Plc, where she built the HPC and scientific computing infrastructure for work in agricultural genomics.
Fernanda is currently working on completing her PhD in Data Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville with an anticipated graduation date of 2020. Her primary research focus is on studying scalability of deep learning algorithms on HPC infrastructures for use in cancer related research. She earned her MS in Materials Science Engineering from the University of Florida in 2008 and her BS in Physics from Florida International University in 2002. Along with her many other activities, Fernanda has helped organize and host approximately 10 hackathons across the United States and abroad.
ALL individuals with an interest in learning more about high performance computing (HPC) and supporting the advancement of women in technology are encouraged to attend. Please share with others who you think might interested in attending!
Register for our November 29th event HERE.
Questions, comments or feedback? Email: whpc-info@purdue.edu
Follow us at @purduewhpc.