Purdue WHPC May Meeting Announcement
Purdue Women in HPC (WHPC) is pleased to host a meeting on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in RAWL 1071 for ALL individuals with an interest in learning more about high performance computing (HPC) and supporting the advancement of women in technology are encouraged to attend.
Please share with others who you think might interested in attending!
- Welcome
- Invited Speaker: Dr. Robin Tanamachi, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University presenting on Improving numerical weather predictions of severe storms with radar data assimilation.
- Announcements and networking
About Dr. Robin Tanamachi:
Prof. Tanamachi’s interests encompass the dynamics of severe convective storms and tornadoes. She has been involved in instrumented observations of severe convective storms for more than 15 years, and used HPC to illuminate some aspects of storm behavior related to tornado production. She is the principal investigator on the X-band Teaching and Research Radar, due to be installed on Wang Hall this summer. More info about Dr. Tanamachi and her research can be found at http://www.eaps.purdue.edu/people/faculty-pages/tanamachi.html.
Register for the May 2nd meeting at https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_86rbv7ES8iUxWv3.
Questions, comments or feedback? Email: whpc-info@purdue.edu
Follow us at @purduewhpc.