Purdue Women in HPC Meeting April Meeting featuring Dr. Min Zhang
Purdue Women in HPC (WHPC) is pleased to partner with the American Statistical Association (ASA) Purdue Student Chapter to co-host a meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in LWSN 1106.
ALL individuals with an interest in learning more about high performance computing (HPC) and supporting the advancement of women in technology are encouraged to attend. Please share with others who you think might interested in attending!
- Welcome
- Invited Speaker: Dr. Min Zhang, Department of Statistics, Purdue University presenting on "New Statistical Tools for Big Data Analytics in Translational Research"
- Call for Participation: SC18 Student Cluster Competition Team
- Announcements
About Dr. Min Zhang:
Dr. Min Zhang is a faculty member in the Department of Statistics at Purdue University and her research interests include developing computational and statistical methods for analysis of various types of high dimensional omics data and clinical data for cancer biomarker identification and for large-scale network construction by integrating multiple types of omics data.
Dr. Zhang received her M.D. from Hebei Medical University, Hebei, China in 1992; her M.S. in Physiology in 1995 from Lanzhou Medical College in Lanzhou, China; her Ph.D. in Neurophysiology in 1998 from Beijing Medical University in Beijing, China; her M.S. in Biometry in 1993 from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; and her Ph.D. in Biological Statistics and Computational Biology in 1995 from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Please RSVP below for the April 11th WHPC meeting.
Register for the April 11th meeting here.
Questions, comments or feedback? Email: whpc-info@purdue.edu
Follow us at @purduewhpc.