There are two apps under the Jobs apps: Active Jobs and Job Composer. These are detailed below.
Link to section 'Active Jobs' of 'Jobs' Active Jobs
This shows you active SLURM jobs currently on the cluster. The default view will show you your current jobs, similar to squeue -u rices
. Using the button labeled "Your Jobs" in the upper right allows you to select different filters by queue (account). All accounts output by slist
will appear for you here. Using the arrow on the left hand side will expand the full job details.

Link to section 'Job Composer' of 'Jobs' Job Composer
The Job Composer app allows you to create and submit jobs to the cluster. You can select from pre-defined templates (most of these are taken from the User Guide examples) or you can create your own templates for frequently used workflows.
Link to section 'Creating Job from Existing Template' of 'Jobs' Creating Job from Existing Template
Click "New Job" menu, then select "From Template":

Then select from one of the available templates.

Click 'Create New Job' in second pane.

Your new job should be selected in your list of jobs. In the 'Submit Script' pane you can see the job script that was generated with an 'Open Editor' link to open the script in the built-in editor. Open the file in the editor and edit the script as necessary. By default the job will specify standby queue - this should be changed as appropriate, along with the node and walltime requests.

When you are finished with editing the job and are ready to submit, click the green 'Submit' button at the top of the job list. You can monitor progress from here or from the Active Jobs app. Once completed, you should see the output files appear:

Clicking on one of the output files will open it in the file editor for your viewing.
Link to section 'Creating New Template' of 'Jobs' Creating New Template
First, prepare a template directory containing a template submission script along with any input files. Then, to import the job into the Job Composer app, click the 'Create New Template' button. Fill in the directory containing your template job script and files in the first box. Give it an appropriate name and notes.

This template will now appear in your list of templates to choose from when composing jobs. You can now go create and submit a job from this new template.