I worked on Gilbreth after I graduated/left Purdue, but can not access it anymore
Link to section 'Problem' of 'I worked on Gilbreth after I graduated/left Purdue, but can not access it anymore' Problem
You have graduated or left Purdue but continue collaboration with your Purdue colleagues. You find that your access to Purdue resources has suddenly stopped and your password is no longer accepted.
Link to section 'Solution' of 'I worked on Gilbreth after I graduated/left Purdue, but can not access it anymore' Solution
Access to all resources depends on having a valid Purdue Career Account. Expired Career Accounts are removed twice a year, during Spring and October breaks (more details at the official page). If your Career Account was purged due to expiration, you will not be be able to access the resources.
To provide remote collaborators with valid Purdue credentials, the University provides a special procedure called Request for Privileges (R4P). If you need to continue your collaboration with your Purdue PI, the PI will have to submit or renew an R4P request on your behalf.
After your R4P is completed and Career Account is restored, please note two additional necessary steps:
Access: Restored Career Accounts by default do not have any RCAC resources enabled for them. Your PI will have to login to the Manage Users tool and explicitly re-enable your access by un-checking and then ticking back checkboxes for desired queues/Unix groups resources.
Email: Restored Career Accounts by default do not have their @purdue.edu email service enabled. While this does not preclude you from using RCAC resources, any email messages (be that generated on the clusters, or any service announcements) would not be delivered - which may cause inconvenience or loss of compute jobs. To avoid this, we recommend setting your restored @purdue.edu email service to "Forward" (to an actual address you read). The easiest way to ensure it is to go through the Account Setup process.