Compiling Hybrid Programs
A hybrid program combines both MPI and shared-memory to take advantage of compute clusters with multi-core compute nodes. Libraries for OpenMPI and Intel MPI (IMPI) and compilers which include OpenMP for C, C++, and Fortran are available.
Language | Header Files |
Fortran 77 |
Fortran 90 |
Fortran 95 |
C |
C++ |
A few examples illustrate hybrid programs with task parallelism of OpenMP:
This example illustrates a hybrid program with loop-level (data) parallelism of OpenMP:
To see the available MPI libraries:
$ module avail impi
$ module avail openmpi
The following tables illustrate how to compile your hybrid (MPI/OpenMP) program. Any compiler flags accepted by Intel ifort/icc compilers are compatible with their respective MPI compiler.
Language | Command |
Fortran 77 |
Fortran 90 |
Fortran 95 |
C |
C++ |
Language | Command |
Fortran 77 |
Fortran 90 |
Fortran 95 |
C |
C++ |
The Intel and GNU compilers will not output anything for a successful compilation. Also, the Intel compiler does not recognize the suffix .f95