Job Accounting
On Anvil, the CPU nodes and GPU nodes are charged separately.Link to section ' For CPU nodes' of 'Job Accounting' For CPU nodes
The charge unit for Anvil is the Service Unit (SU). This corresponds to the equivalent use of one compute core utilizing less than or equal to approximately 2G of data in memory for one hour.
Keep in mind that your charges are based on the resources that are tied up by your job and do not necessarily reflect how the resources are used.
Charges on jobs submitted to the shared queues are based on the number of cores and the fraction of the memory requested, whichever is larger. Jobs submitted as node-exclusive will be charged for all 128 cores, whether the resources are used or not.
Jobs submitted to the large memory nodes will be charged 4 SU per compute core (4x wholenode node charge).
Link to section ' For GPU nodes' of 'Job Accounting' For GPU nodes
1 SU corresponds to the equivalent use of one GPU utilizing less than or equal to approximately 120G of data in memory for one hour.
Each GPU nodes on Anvil have 4 GPUs and all GPU nodes are shared.
Link to section ' For file system ' of 'Job Accounting' For file system
Filesystem storage is not charged.
You can use mybalance
command to check your current allocation usage.