Jungha Woo
Lead Software Engineer
Jungha Woo is a Software Engineer in the Research Computing at the Purdue University. His Ph.D. work included analyzing investors’ behavioral biases in the U.S. stock markets and implementing profitable strategies utilizing irrational behaviors. His experience and interests lie in the statistical analysis of scientific data, and software development. Jungha develops scientific software to help high-performance computational communities run models and predict execution time of jobs.
Jungha has mentored four graduate, and undergraduate in research projects.
- B.S., Computer Science , Yonsei University, South Korea
- M.S., Computer Science , Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Selected Projects
- INFEWS/T2 NSF Award Number: 1855937 (PI/co-PI(s): Richard Lammers, Christopher Kucharik, Thomas Hertel, Wilfred Wollheim, David Johnson ). Project Title: INFEWS/T2: Identifying Sustainability Solutions through Global-Local-Global Analysis of a Coupled Water-Agriculture-Bioenergy System. NSF. 07/24/2019-07/31/2022. Role: Software Engineer
- GeoEDF: NSF Award Number: 1835822 (PI/co-PI: Xiaohui Carol Song, Venkatesh Merwade, Jack Smith, Uris Lantz Baldos, Jian Jin. ). Project Title: Framework: Data: HDR: Extensible Geospatial Data Framework towards FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Science. NSF. 10/1/2018-09/30/2023. Role: Software Engineer.
- IsoMAP: NSF Award Number: 1565128 (PI/co-PI(s): Gabriel Bowen, Hannah Vander Zanden, Lan Zhao). Project Title: Collaborative Research: ABI Development: ORIGIN: Origin Inference from Geospatial Isotope Networks. NSF. 07/20/2016-01/31/2022. Role: Software Engineer.
Selected Publications
- J. Woo, L. Zhao, and G. J. Bowen. Streamlining geospatial data processing for isotopic landscape modeling. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, page e6324, 2021.3336
- C. Song, R. Kalyanam, L. Zhao, J. Jin, L. Biehl, U. Baldos, R. Campbell, C. Ellis,J. Smith, N. Brewer, et al. Geoedf-an extensible geospatial data framework for fair science. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, volume 2019, pages IN53B–0737, 2019.
- J. Woo, U. L. C. Baldos, L. Zhao, C. Song, and J. Shin. Simple-G US web application.2018.
- J. Woo. Economic and statistical significance of disposition effect and momentum in the US stock market. PhD thesis, Purdue University, 2015.
- Z. Zhao, J. Woo, and D. Braun. Google web toolkit for ogce gadget based architecture. InProceedings of the 2011 ACM workshop on Gateway computing environments, pages 37–42, 2011.
- H. Zhang, J. Woo, L. Zhao, D. Braun, C. X. Song, and M. Lakshminarayanan. Domain-specific web services for scientific application developers. In 2010 GatewayComputing Environments Workshop (GCE), pages 1–7. IEEE, 2010.
- J. Woo, J. Padma, J.-W. Lee, D. Braun, and C. X. Song. Puffin: a fast and efficient web service-based condor job manager. In Proceedings of the 5th Grid ComputingEnvironments Workshop, pages 1–6, 2009.
- F. Paci, N. Shang, S. Kerr, K. Steuer Jr, J. Woo, and E. Bertino. Privacy-preserving management of transactions’ receipts for mobile environments. In Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet, pages 73–84, 2009.
- F. Paci, E. Bertino, S. Kerr, A. C. Squicciarini, and J. Woo. An overview of veryidx-a privacy-preserving digital identity management system for mobile devices.J. Softw.,4(7):696–706, 2009.
- J. Woo, A. Bhargav-Spantzel, A. C. Squicciarini, and E. Bertino. Verification of receipts from m-commerce transactions on nfc cellular phones. In 2008 10th IEEEConference on E-Commerce Technology and the Fifth IEEE Conference on EnterpriseComputing, E-Commerce and E-Services, pages 36–43. IEEE, 2008.
- F. Paci, E. Bertino, S. Kerr, A. Lint, A. Squicciarini, and J. Woo. Veryidx-a digital identity management system for pervasive computing environments. In IFIPInternational Workshop on Software Technologies for Embedded and UbiquitousSystems, pages 268–279. Springer, 2008.
- J. Woo and E. Bertino. Receipt management-transaction history based trust establishment. 2007.
- J. Woo.TRANSACTION HISTORY BASED TRUST ESTABLISHMENT. PhD thesis, Purdue University West Lafayette, 2007.
- U. Topkara, C. X. Song, J. Woo, and S. P. Park. Connected in a small world: Rapid integration of heterogenous biology resources. In International Workshop on GridComputing Environments, 2007.
- A. Bhargav-Spantzel, J. Woo, and E. Bertino. Receipt management-transaction history based trust establishment. InProceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Digital identity management, pages 82–91, 2007.
- J. Woo, A. Bhagav-Spantzell, A. C. Squicciarinii, and E. Bertino. Verification of receipts from m-commerce transactions on nfc cellular phones.
- A. Bhargav-Spantzel, J. Woo, A. C. Squicciarini, and E. Bertino. History based identity verification and management.