Guangzhen Jin
Senior Computational Scientist
ResearchGate Google Scholar Personal Research Homepage
After receiving his PhD in Physical Oceanography, Guangzhen extended his research in the area of ocean science for another four years until he joined RCAC at Purdue University in 2021. He has broad research interests including data analysis, data assimilation and large-scale high performance numerical computations on fluid dynamic process in the ocean such as coastal circulations, storm surges and internal waves. He also paid great attention to the research including data-driven image transformation, remote sensing data mining and microplastic spreading from coastal area in a Lagrangian view.
Research Areas
- Physical Oceanography
- Numerical Simulation
- Data Assimilation
- High-performance Computation
- Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China (2017)
- B.S. in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Ocean University of China (2012)
- Senior Computational Scientist , Information Technology, Purdue University, US (2021-Now)
- Postdoctoral Researcher , Shanghai Ocean University, China (2020-2021)
- Research Associate , Sun Yat-Sen University, China (2017-2020)
Featured Publications
- [1] Arora V, Gurrola N, Maji A, Jin G. “A Fast and Responsive Web-based Framework for Visualizing HPC Application Usage”. Proceedings of the SC'23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis. 2023.
- [2] Bhutra P, Zhang Y, Rice S, Hong Y, Jin G, Shan N, Li R. “Scientific applications and their documentation on Purdue clusters”. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing. 2023.
- [3] Jin G , Lai Z, Shang X. “Numerical study on the spatial and temporal characteristics of nonlinear internal wave energy in the northern South China Sea”. Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 2020. 178.
- [4] Gao Y, Jin G* , Liu J. “Inbetweening auto-animation via Fokker-Planck dynamics and thresholding”. Inverse Problems and Imaging. 2021.15(5), 843-864. (Corresponding author)
- [5] Lai Z, Jin G , Huang Y, Chen H, Shang X, Xiong X. “The generation of nonlinear internal waves in the South China Sea: A three-dimensional, nonhydrostatic numerical study”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2019. (Co-first author)
- [6] Jin G , Pan H, Zhang Q, Lv X, Zhao W, Gao Y. “Determination of Harmonic Parameters with Temporal Variations: An Enhanced Harmonic Analysis Algorithm and Application to Internal Tidal Currents in the South China Sea”. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2018, 35(7): 1375-1398.
- [7] Jin G , Cao A, Lv X. “On the Equilibration of Numerical Simulation of Internal Tide: A Case Study around the Hawaiian Ridge”. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2017, 34(7): 1545-1563.
- [8] Quan Q, Cai Z, Jin G, Liu Z. "Topographic Rossby Waves in the Abyssal South China Sea". Journal of Physical Oceanography 2021, 51(6): 1795–1812.
- [9] Gao D, Jin G, Lv X. "Temporal variations in internal tide multimodal structure on the continental shelf, South China Sea". Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2017, 35: 70-78. (Corresponding author)
- [10] Wang D, Pan H, Jin G, Lv X. "Seasonal variation of the principal tidal constituents in the Bohai Sea". Ocean Science 2020, 16: 1-14.
- [11] Pan H, Lv X, Wang Y, Matte P, Chen H, Jin G, Lv X. "Exploration of Tidal-Fluvial Interaction in the Columbia River Estuary Using S_TIDE". Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2018, 123(9): 6598-6619.
- [12] Quan Q, Liu Z, Sun S, Can Z, Yang Y, Jin G, Li Z, Liang X. "Influence of the Kuroshio Intrusion on Deep Flow Intraseasonal Variability in the Northern South China Sea". Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2021, 126(7).
Awards, Activities and Fun Facts
- Bravo Awards, Purdue IT, 2023.
- Guangzhen is a maniac for mathematical modeling. He got the 1st prize at National Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2010 and the 1st prize at National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2012. He is the founder and the first President of the Association of Mathematical Modeling at Ocean University of China.
- Guangzhen is the reviewer of several professional journals in the field of oceanography.
- Guangzhen enjoys scuba diving (he holds an advanced open water diver license) and playing the guitar in his spare time.
- Guangzhen has a border collie named Tala and a Labrador called Ponyo.