Article #450: HUBzero 2011 Workshop
The hubbub is coming in April, as HUBzero® enthusiasts gather in Indianapolis. The HUBbub 2011 workshop will help participants get the most out of the...
The hubbub is coming in April, as HUBzero® enthusiasts gather in Indianapolis. The HUBbub 2011 workshop will help participants get the most out of the...
ITaP research computing staff will hold a meeting with faculty members Friday, May 20, to discuss the hardware and prices offered by prospective vendo...
A symposium on data-driven approaches for characterizing, understanding, modeling and responding to droughts will be held June 21-22 on Purdue’s West...
A symposium on data-driven approaches for characterizing, understanding, modeling and responding to droughts will be held June 21-22 on Purdue’s West...
A cross-disciplinary discussion of data visualization involving Purdue faculty and students from science, engineering and liberal arts is the goal of...
A two-part tutorial covering MATLAB for both new and more experienced users will take place from 3 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, in the Lawson Computer...
Join MathWorks for a free seminar on MATLAB on Thursday, October 13, 2011 in the Lawson Computer Science Building, Room 1142. Presented by: Jiro Doke...
Purdue’s new Carter community cluster supercomputer and its ability to speed up and enhance research results will be the focus of an informational lun...
Scientists today often link computational tools together and run them in “workflows” thousands of times to simulate on the computer what would otherwi...
Forestry and Natural Resources Professor Andrew DeWoody’s lab focuses on molecular evolution and ecology, including genes involved in evolutionary ada...
HUBbub 2012, the annual users conference for HUBzero aimed at researchers, practitioners, educators and IT professionals engaged in building and using...
A three-part tutorial covering MATLAB, particularly as it relates to parallel programming and high-performance computing, will take place from 2 to 8...
A series of one-hour tech talks covering such topics as virtual and augmented reality, modeling and animation, and real-time simulated environments wi...
A series of presentations that serve as an introduction to supercomputing for Purdue faculty, research staff and students in any field is set for Marc...
ITaP Research Computing would like to share he following educational and professional development opportunities, which are available for students and...
Register now for Virtual School summer courses on data-intensive and many-core computing Graduate students, post-docs and professionals from academia,...
Purdue will host a virtual summer school on high-performance computing for science and engineering in July, aimed at graduate students, post-doctoral...
Data Intensive Summer School When: July 8 – 10, 2013, from 11am to 7pm Where: Discovery Research a...
CANCELED: Proven Algorithmic Techniques for Many-core Processors Due to unforeseen circumstances,...
HUBbub 2013, the annual conference for users and would-be users of HUBzero, a ready-made cyberinfrastructure for research and education, will feature...